
What is coaching?

4 April 2023

Coaching is a highly personalised form of development, where a Coach supports you to create learning, self‐development and improved performance in a way that benefits you. It is very much tailored around your unique needs, the transition you want to make at that point in time, and at helping you be your best, authentic self.

Coaching takes place through a conversation, or a series of conversations. It typically starts with agreeing on some ‘goals’ – these could be ‘inner’ or mindset shifting goals, such as building your confidence, or learning how to say ‘no’ and to feel less overwhelmed with work pressures. Or they could be about building skills, like delegation, presentation or influencing skills. Through the coaching conversations, you will have an opportunity to explore and learn more about yourself, and how you can draw on your own skills and resources to achieve your goals. Your coach will also share their insight, support and resources with you to help you accelerate your learning.

Coaching starts with the principle that you are responsible and have the power within you to live your life the way you want to, and to achieve your fullest potential.

Why do people get a coach?

People typically get a coach on board because they want to better themselves, grow and achieve their goals. They may feel ‘stuck’ in some ways, or not fully happy or fulfilled with what they are doing work wise, and coaching can help them unlock ‘old patterns’ of being or doing things, and put in place new, healthier ones to help them achieve the results they want. 

A Mindbeat coach is skilled, qualified and experienced in using a range of coaching skills such as observation, questioning, listening and feedback.  They will help you explore, hold up the mirror and to support your learning in a safe and confidential space. A space that enables you to reflect, explore and give attention to your unique learning journey. A journey equipped with greater self-awareness and appreciation of the opportunities and resources you have to go from good to great, or great to even greater!

The outcomes people commonly experience as a result of investing in their coaching are:

  • Improved performance
  • Increased sense of empowerment and confidence in themselves 
  • A greater awareness of self and of their purpose
  • A sense of being able to reach into untapped potential
  • Stronger, more honed leadership and influencing skills
  • Improved resilience and well-being


What coaching is not

Classroom training

Classroom training is a more structured approach to sharing a specific learning agenda, typically using a trainee who covers specific information within a specified time period. Coaching is more flexible and moulded around your unique needs, goals and context. In this sense, coaching is a partnership that relies on both you and your coach to share responsibility for learning, and relies on you to apply, test out and experiment with your learnings in between sessions.


Advising, mentoring or ‘telling’ you how to solve your problems

Coaching starts with the principle that you are responsible and have the power within you to live your life the way you want to, and to achieve your fullest potential. The role of the coach is to help you explore and understand your situation, challenges and opportunities more clearly. This may at times mean gently challenging you to see things from different perspectives. A coach will help you consider different options and explore different routes to action, however a coach will not be an advisor or tell you how to go about taking action. If they did, they would be taking responsibility and power away from you.


Therapy or psychoanalysis

We find that at times people who may have considered a need for therapy, turn to coaching instead. There are some instances where coaching can help with some of what they may be looking for, such as a safe, containing space to be listened to, and an unbiased set of ears to help foster greater self-awareness. However, coaching does not offer medical care or expertise that may be necessary to address underlying origins of the presenting problem, such as trauma or conditions that create a sense of debilitation, anxiety or depression. Please contact a health professional if this applies, to ensure you get the right support.


What coaching is

The role of your coach is to provide unbiased support, deep attention and commitment to your purpose and goals – of the kind that you are likely to rarely experience outside of coaching.

For coaching to be effective, it needs to be based on a relationship of trust. Whatever you share with your coach will be confidential. Where a company has requested coaching for you, your coach will agree with you the best way to keep them involved or updated on your progress.


What you can do to get the most from coaching

Coaching is the kind of partnership which relies heavily on how much you put in, and how committed you are to your coaching process. That means showing up for sessions, taking notes and actions at the end of each session, and actioning any commitment you make during sessions. 

Contribute to conversations honestly and openly. For example, if something is not working, your coach needs to know. If you know why a problem is occurring, say so. The power of coaching relies in large part on how open and authentic you and your coach are to each other in your sessions.


What is group coaching?

Group coaching gives you the opportunity to take a step back to reflect, practice skills and dialogue with a small group of peers in support of reaching your development goals.

How does it work?

Each session is 1.5 hrs long and will be held every 3 to 4 weeks.

You will decide on the schedule for further sessions as a group in your first session.

You will be with the same persons for all sessions. Building trust is a process and we invite you to invest time in creating a safe space for the group coaching sessions. The real benefit of group coaching comes being part of a mutually supportive group where members consistently help each other work on their issues.

You will be setting some ground rules as a group during your first session. Some of the important areas that will be covered are:

  • Confidentiality – What is discussed will be kept within the group members.
  • Punctuality – What is acceptable in terms of punctuality for the sessions.
  • Attendance – What is expected in terms of attendance at sessions. What apologies should be given and how much notice should be given.
  • Minimum number of set members – What is the minimum number of people required for a group to take place?
  • Listening – each member has air time whilst other members listen. Expectations will be discussed and agreements made.

Group coaching provides a platform to unlocks a group’s potential and enhances collective intelligence.

It helps by creating a supportive climate where ideas can flourish and take shape. When people feel safe enough to make suggestions or challenge assumptions, we make better, more constructive decisions.

In group coaching, issues get brought into the light. People not only learn to deal with issues that already exist, but they develop the skills to deal with new issues that will inevitably pop up. 


People need to feel they are moving forwards in their job and gaining career growth. They need to feel a sense of meaning and purpose in their role.  But how do you retain, support and give your team members the progression and growth they are looking for, all while delivering the work that needs to get done?

This isn’t a new trend, but one that’s definitely exacerbated since the pandemic. 

Organisations feel they are doing the right things in this space but there is a gap as individuals aren’t recognising it or feeling it.

According to our research only 16% of people have ongoing career conversations and yet, the number one focus area off the back of engagement surveys is career growth.

We know that 8 out of 10 people would be more engaged in their work if they have regular career conversations and that 43% are more likely to leave if a manager doesn’t show interest in their career.

A Big Four accounting firm conducted some research recently; it followed up with all of those people who had been highly rated in their role but had resigned and gone elsewhere. 

The number one reason was that they didn’t see or know about any future growth opportunities. 

That same organisation said they would have welcomed them into teams across the organisation, but they didn’t have those conversations until it was too late.

So what can be done? Organisations can’t offer a promotion every 2 years, not when they are becoming flatter and leaner. 

Our answer is to have ongoing, honest, connecting conversations.

What if they want to be the next CEO?

The number one reason these conversations don’t happen is fear. Fear about the questions that may come from the employee as a result of the process. Fear about not being empowered. Fear about being caught out.

Managers seldom enjoy the prospect of being faced with questions they can’t answer, or show their lack of empowerment. The human reaction from the manager is to shy away and avoid the conversation with their team member – whether they want to be the next CEO, or just have unrealistic expectations about themselves.

With our roots in psychology and leadership consulting, Mindbeat is able to get under the skin of how to manage these difficult conversations, prevent the blocks and give your managers the equipment to deal with the array of answers that can come up. 

We’ve come up with these rules for how to instill career conversations into the regular behaviour of your teams:

The 5 rules of career growth

1. Career conversations need to be ongoing – This takes the scariness away

2. Be honest – I may not have all the answers but let’s figure this out together

3. Connect the dots to find the energy Help people to find their source of energy and motivation

4. Uncover the super power Share feedback, help them to build insight into distinctive strengths

5. Think inside and outside the box – Be creative and resourceful in  how you come up with solutions