At our recent Powering High Performance through Skills and AI webinar, Mindbeat’s CEO, Elisa Krantz interviewed Tanju Kapilashrami, Chief Strategy and Talent Officer at Standard Chartered Bank to learn more about her experience and understand some of the learnings from Standard Chartered’s journey from jobs to skills. 

Why are traditional job-centric models becoming obsolete and why do you think skill-centric approaches are the future?

For the last 140 years, work has been organised around jobs. It has been driven by a one-to-one relationship between workers and their roles. With the acceleration of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, how talent connects to their work and how organisations are set up doesn’t seem relevant anymore. 

A couple of years ago, we started talking about skills being the new currency of work and HR professionals being the custodians of skills, not jobs. What would happen if you deconstruct work and flow talent around skills rather than roles? What would be the impact on productivity or an individual’s career? 

There’s the obvious link here to productivity and performance within companies but it also impacts the increasing gap between education and employability.

Education institutions aren’t producing the skills required for the future of work. So what role should businesses play in bridging the skills gap? And, more importantly, what skills will we need for the future of work?

It will be a combination of technical and human-centric skills that will help us make the most of this fourth industrial revolution. 

How has a legacy organisation like Standard Chartered transitioned to become more skills-based?

We are a 160-year-old bank headquartered in the UK, with 100,000 employees across emerging markets. Our pivot to become more skills-based couldn’t start with a blank sheet of paper in a start-up environment. We’re a legacy organisation with a complex construct of roles and reporting lines. So we started with the idea of jobs. 

We analysed jobs that would disappear in three and five years, along with emerging roles created by shifts in technology and business models. Then we looked at those emerging roles and the likely skills needed to do them. 

We discovered it would be $45,000 cheaper to reskill someone into a future role instead of recruiting new talent. For the first time, it set an economic case for reskilling.

It led to our analysis of skills adjacencies where we proved that we already had 80% of the skills required for future jobs in the company, which meant we only had to invest in reskilling for the remaining 20%. 

During this process, we launched a talent marketplace where people with multiple skills could work on different gigs internally. The gigs are advertised and anyone with the required skills can volunteer their time to be part of a new, exciting piece of work. People who want to be part of exciting, purposeful work that will keep them relevant for the future of work are genuinely interested in participating. 

We now have a talent marketplace in 50 markets. There are 28,000 people, actively matching their skills to purposeful and impactful work and upskilling in areas they’d like to grow their careers in. It has led to Skills Academies and Standard Chartered hiring based on skills. But it has also changed the language of the company away from job descriptions and reliance on experience to future-facing skills and how to source those skills. 

When I meet CEOs I ask them: ‘How much coding skills do you have within your legacy business?’ They’ll answer by only telling me how many engineers they have. Most legacy businesses can’t tell you how much technology skills, coding skills, and data skills they have because the inventory has always been mapped based on jobs rather than available skills. 

The moment you start recognising the skills that individuals bring to the table, you’re able to unlock a huge amount of productivity. 

How do you measure the success of this skills-focused transition?

The success of the program is clear. We report in monetary terms every quarter on how much productivity we’ve unlocked in the company. We tell the stories of innovation, delivered by crowdsourcing skills for company-wide projects. Plus, we track internal deployment rates for future jobs versus hiring costs and high-performer attrition rates. 

I understand you’ve also now removed performance ratings at Standard Chartered

I’ve believed for many years that traditional performance ratings only manage the year-end bonus process and give senior management an excuse for why someone hasn’t hit their targets. Performance ratings don’t build high-performance cultures because they remove honest two-way conversations and relegate everyone to a score.

We want to build a culture of continuous feedback and learning. A skills-based organisation can’t grow without a deep learning culture, a strong sense of curiosity, and a two-way feedback process.   

It’s our third year without performance ratings. We know that where leaders are engaged in regular feedback conversations, where objectives are clear, and where people have access to real-time coaching, satisfaction with performance management has increased significantly. 

Many of the jobs of the future will require AI-based skills. What are your views on AI and its impact?

I see technology and AI-backed solutions as a massive opportunity to democratise, access and deliver at scale. What we’ve achieved with our talent marketplace wouldn’t have been possible without AI for example.

As machines get better at being machines, humans can get better at being humans. If you deploy technology well, you can augment humans to focus on the stuff that only humans can do. Everything else can be automated. 

Our poll asked for the biggest challenge of moving from a job-centric to a skills-powered organisation. Time and making this a priority above other priorities got almost half the vote. Do you agree?

Making it a priority over other priorities is critical. If you don’t take action now when the workforce is fundamentally changed in the future, it will be expensive and you’ll be less inclusive as ‘sunset’ jobs employ more women. Prioritising a skills-based future will overcome these issues. 

What have been your biggest learnings from Standard Chartered’s skills-based journey?

I have learned a lot about effective change management. That’s been my big upskilling. I grew up in a world where effective change management was writing good communications, so I’ve had to upskill myself on what good change management looks like.

It’s a real skill, and it’s a discipline. In large organisations, the amount of time, senior leader bandwidth and investment in change management needs to change.

Early on, we spent too much time trying to convert the hearts and minds of the most senior people in the business. But the people who drive real change are leaders deep into the company. They may be fairly junior but can harness the power of your workforce. The more you democratise conversations, the more you’ll find change agents and ambassadors at different levels who can lean in and support you in driving cultural change. 

To watch the full recording of Elisa’s interview with Tanju Kapilashrami, email [email protected]

The Malteese telecommunications provider, GO, recognises the unique challenges of balancing a career and motherhood, especially for first-time mothers. 

That’s why the company’s GO Academy and Wellbeing Team recently teamed up with Mindbeat and one of our specialist parental transition coaches to design a programme to empower and support the company’s new mums as they navigate their return to the workplace. 

Here’s what Giovanella, Business Specialist – Soho, shared about her coaching journey: “Having so much to catch up on upon my return, coaching was the last thing I needed to add to my plate. However, it turned out to be the complete opposite. Coaching is what helped me deal with what I had on my plate!”

A change in business strategy can often trigger redundancies. Mike Fletcher looks at how coaching can support both managers and those leaving an organisation and ease the transition process. 

Facing up to uncertain economic headwinds, many organisations are switching tack. 

According to a Mindheat survey of almost 200 companies across four sectors (IT, Financial Services, Pharma and Energy), fast-growing companies are swapping revenue and user growth at any cost, for higher expectations around profitability and long-term business sustainability. For many, this means consolidation and change. 

Handled well, change can produce the intended outcome of a more streamlined and profitable business. However, if handled poorly, change can cause long-lasting damage to workplace morale, trust, and a business’s bottom line.

The science underscores the negative consequences of badly handled change. For example, necessary redundancies can create ripple effects throughout an organisation. Productivity may decline and the risk of losing valued remaining colleagues increases. This resulting atmosphere of uncertainty and lowered morale can severely hinder an organisation’s ability to move forward effectively.

Investing in coaching support for managers tasked with communicating anticipated and real changes impacting roles is therefore crucial. 

Four ways coaching helps manage the transition process

  1. It helps those managing the redundancy process to understand the likely concerns and questions that colleagues around them may have.
  2. It ensures that their methods of communication are appropriate, uncomfortable conversations are handled sensitively, and difficult messages are delivered with empathy and clarity.
  3. For those being made redundant, organisations have a duty of care to minimise any detrimental impact on employees’ self-worth, identity and well-being. 
  4. ‘Outplacement’ or as we call it, ‘Career Transition’ helps people come to terms with what has happened. It helps them to understand their priorities (values, drivers, and responsibilities), and identify their desired future direction of travel and how best to move forward.

Coaching is fundamentally all about helping people through change. Career Transition is a coaching service Mindbeat provides for employees leaving a business due to organisational restructuring to help them prepare and transition into new roles with greater focus, confidence and success. 

It could be anything from career guidance and setting future goals to more practical approaches such as interview techniques, CV writing and how to build someone’s personal brand. 

Our coaches have deep experience in supporting individuals navigating organisational restructuring. They’re trained to provide a safe space for your people to come to terms with job loss and turn what can feel like a challenging and disempowering circumstance into an opportunity to refocus, own and activate new career transitions. 

This investment in development not only eases the immediate crisis but also demonstrates a level of respect and care by the organisation, which can go a long way in maintaining employee engagement, productivity, loyalty and trust in the organisation’s leadership going forward. 

When managers are given the right coaching tools to support everyone’s well-being during this stressful time, they are empowered to motivate and retain their remaining team members while giving departing colleagues every chance of future success. 

Get in touch today to discuss career transition coaching with Mindbeat, 


The power of soft skills

30 April 2024

In today’s high-stakes talent landscape, the true competitive edge isn’t found in “hard” skills.

It lies in the often underestimated, so-called “soft” skills.

They’re not merely ‘soft’, these are the strategic “power” skills that are not the “nice-to-haves” but the “must” haves.

The skills that fuel innovation, drive forward momentum, and elevate a team from functional to exceptional.

These critical, human-centric attributes can’t be coded, but they define the game-changers.

The “soft” becomes even more relevant for leaders in an organisation, do you see them as optional or essential?


Skills have become the new currency of work. Companies are adopting learning and development strategies and evolving HR practices to get skills-ready. In advance of Mindbeat’s upcoming virtual event, Mike Fletcher looks at the skills economy. 

For the past 140 years, the world of work has been organised around jobs in functional hierarchies. This ‘job-centricity’ has been the main mechanism governing how talent is connected to the workplace, how work is deployed, and how organisations are structured. 

However, these comfortably familiar boxes have been disintegrating since before the pandemic. 

Today, remote working, economic volatility, accelerated digital transformation and the disruption caused by AI-powered automation have changed the workplace forever. 

A recent McKinsey Global Institute survey found that 87% of companies worldwide are already experiencing skill gaps or are expecting to within the next five years. This is likely to impact both productivity and competitiveness at a corporate and national level.

Leaders must ask themselves whether or not their employees are skilled enough to adapt to the future of work. And if they’re not, how will they acquire or develop the skill sets necessary to thrive in this fourth industrial age? 

Embracing this ‘skills economy’ is now business critical. Research from Deloitte shows that companies applying skills-based models to meet the demand for agility and equity are 107% more likely to place talent effectively, 52% more likely to innovate, and 57% more likely to anticipate change and respond effectively and efficiently.

It means placing individual skills – the skills organisations have and need, and their ability to acquire new ones – at the forefront of decision-making, while challenging the significance of traditional credentials and job titles. 

A skills-based approach to talent and professional development focuses on what people are capable of learning, rather than more arbitrary factors such as job roles, degrees and contracts. 

But how do you transition from a traditional job-based model to a skills-based organisation? 

On 30 May at 1 pm (BST), Mindbeat’s CEO, Elisa Krantz will host a virtual event where she’ll interview Tanju Kapilashrami, Chief Strategy and Talent Officer at Standard Chartered Bank to learn more about her experience and understand some of the learnings from Standard Chartered’s journey from jobs to skills. Tanju will also provide actionable advice for CHROs and HR leaders looking to build a skills-powered future. 

Until then, consider the three steps below.

To learn more, don’t forget to register for your place at our Powering High Performance through Skills and AI event by clicking the link at the end.

Step One: Develop a culture of learning and skills development

Tanju Kapilashrami talks about organisations being the custodians of skills. To achieve this, promote continuous learning and provide workplace opportunities for upskilling, reskilling and internal mobility.

Standard Chartered has achieved this by creating an internal gig economy where people who have projects that need doing can ask for help via an AI-powered marketplace. Anyone within the organisation can offer their skills and sign up for a gig as part of a reskilling journey or practical real-life experience. 

Step Two: Disrupt traditional notions of performance ratings and reviews

Standard Chartered has moved away from past performance being a predictor of someone’s potential. It now looks at learning agility and skills as the main predictor for future potential.

As employees acquire more skills, it makes them more employable and provides more opportunities to work in different areas of the banking organisation.

This results in higher levels of internal deployment versus external hiring, which in turn can save a company money. 

Step Three: Consider the changing future of skills

A recent study by LinkedIn found that requested skills for jobs have changed by 25% since 2015 and are expected to change by 50% over the next three years.

Over time, the skills your business needs, the combination of skills required in specific roles and individuals, and your employees’ interests will change.

Strategy and AI-powered technology investment to track shifting trends and re-align skill-set requirements over time is vital. 

To learn more from Tanju Kapilashrami, Chief Strategy and Talent Officer at Standard Chartered Bank, register today for Powering High Performance through Skills and AI. 

It’s more than shared targets, it’s shared moments and authentic recognition.

Five things high-performing teams do differently:

1️⃣ 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: They talk—a lot. Replacing texts with conversations, ensuring that nuances don’t get lost in digital translation. 66% more phone calls than average teams.

2️⃣ 𝗠𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗣𝘂𝗿𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗲: Every meeting has a mission. They’re 39% more likely to prep beforehand and 55% more likely to have a clear agenda. Efficiency isn’t an afterthought. It is their baseline.

3️⃣ 𝗕𝗲𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗕𝗼𝗻𝗱𝘀: These teams know that bonding over non-work topics is 25% more likely to cement relationships that go beyond the office walls. Coffee, anyone?

4️⃣ 𝗖𝘂𝗹𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝗽𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: They’re not shy with ‘thank you’s’. With 72% more appreciation received from colleagues and a whopping 79% more from managers, gratitude is their currency.

𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 5️⃣ : Vulnerability is not a liability but a strength. It’s all about being genuinely you. Authenticity isn’t just encouraged, it’s expected.

𝗟𝗲𝘁’𝘀 𝗽𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗮𝘀𝗸: Does your team’s culture allow for a quick call to clear the air? Do meetings leave room for personal connection? Is saying “thank you” as habitual as morning coffee? Are members encouraged to be themselves, truly?

In a world where jobs can become obsolete overnight, standing still is no longer an option.

Continuous career growth is the new constant, separating those who thrive from those who get left behind.

Discover Mindbeat Business Development Executive, Vincent Brown’s 11 ways to stay ahead.

Artificial Intelligence’s influence on digital coaching is inevitable. At Mindbeat, we’re taking the lead by developing AI-powered coaching that will support our global network. Mike Fletcher explains. 

Our global Mindbeat network of expert coaches will soon receive a new addition to their ranks. 

Although not human, automated digital coaches can work alongside experienced coaching practitioners to offer a different perspective on when and how professional development coaching is carried out.

Recent research shows that AI-powered coaches are just as effective as human coaches if there are clearly defined goals and explicit measures of success.

Just imagine an AI-powered coach that’s always ready to offer spur-of-the-moment advice. Traditional coaching can then follow up and provide feedback on any given scenario.

Information gathering is another of the many ways AI-based coaching can work with humans. A single session with an aspiring leader may not be sufficient to gather enough information to formulate leadership pathways, which take into account the person’s unique set of challenges and goals. The AI can interpret huge swathes of data for behavioural trends and other insights. The human coach can then analyse the results to create more personalised strategies. 

An AI coach can also help streamline onboarding programmes. It can take new hires through company policies and procedures and answer any questions. 

It can also facilitate training tailored to the individual or take users through formatted programmes relating to D&I, employee wellbeing, health and safety or other knowledge-based learning.

Seven benefits of AI-powered coaching

1. Personalised strategies

Not everyone’s professional development is the same. Even if workplace challenges appear to look the same, the context will be different and therefore, so too will the pathway. 

Also, people develop at different speeds and through various means. Some thrive when closely monitored by their Mindbeat coach while some prefer the space to work through solutions themselves. 

These personalised circumstances are recognised by the AI, allowing the individual to ask questions and to develop at their own pace. 

2. Continuous development 

Short-term coaching programmes allow employees to develop longer-term relationships with their line managers and put what they’ve learned into action quicker within the workplace. 

Having an AI coach supporting short, structured development can help the transition from confiding in a coach to being open and honest with a line manager and integrating leadership models into teams. 

3. Undivided attention

AI coaching can attend to multiple employees from the same organisation simultaneously and provide undivided attention and strategies tailored to the individual. 

With each interaction, the AI processes new insights and keeps a personalised data record of trends and behavioural patterns. It can also automate tasks, deploy quickly and operate cost-effectively.

4. Available 24/7

With AI, you can access answers to professional development questions or personalised coaching strategies anywhere, anytime and on any device. No more having to juggle diaries to find a slot you and your coach can do. 

5. Accessibility 

Persons with disabilities can benefit hugely from AI-powered professional development coaching. The AI can evaluate workplace challenges and tailor responses according to an employee’s individual needs. 

Accessible tools such as speech-to-text, screen readers and text-only can further remove some of the barriers that people face when having one-to-one sessions. 

6. Complete neutrality 

AI coaching can be a comfort for anyone faced with a sensitive workplace issue. 

Complete neutrality is assured in its responses and the employee can relax knowing that they have as much time as they need to work through different scenarios and respond to the AI’s unbiased questioning. 

7. Increased engagement 

AI-powered coaching empowers the user to take control of their learning and development. This, along with the interactive and conversational nature of AI, helps to enhance user engagement.

Embrace the future of AI

A majority of humans will always choose genuine face-to-face connections, empathy and emotional intelligence over datasets, algorithms and a chatbot-like interface. Despite this, AI’s ability to democratise coaching, making it possible for anyone, anywhere to achieve professional or personal results, means that machine learning’s influence on coaching is inevitable. 

As a result, human coaches will need to experiment with automated AI support to supplement and improve their offer. Ultimately, it will provide an enriched professional development experience and greater value for workplace coaching investment. 

If you’d like to speak to Mindbeat about its development of AI-based coaching, drop us a line at [email protected] 


Six tips for giving effective feedback

20 February 2024

A key leadership skill is the ability to deliver both positive and constructive feedback. We asked our global community of Mindbeat coaches for their advice on avoiding common mistakes when giving feedback during performance reviews. 

Performance reviews are vital for helping employees maintain focus while evaluating factors such as overall workload, motivation, communication skills and team contributions. 

How often appraisals take place will vary depending on company culture or the potential impact (good or bad) someone’s day-to-day role can have on a company’s profitability. 

It may be enough to conduct a formal yearly evaluation with more frequent, informal reviews like a quarterly check-in to let staff know how they’re doing. If someone has set targets though, more regular appraisals may be required to keep them on track or to discuss ways to improve. 

No matter how regularly you carry out employee reviews, as a leader, your ability to communicate feedback, deliver criticism or praise, and rate performance is an important skill. 

And who better to advise on giving effective feedback than our global community of coaches? We asked them how to avoid the most common mistakes leaders make when giving feedback during performance reviews. This is what they had to say:

1. Inform, don’t judge

If the recipient becomes defensive or argumentative during a performance review, your feedback may be too judgemental or authoritative. You can’t make someone like or agree with what you’re saying but you can increase the chances that your feedback will be well received rather than rejected. 

Avoid apportioning blame. Instead, inform the receiver about the impact their actions are having on colleagues or team performance. This will empower them to make changes on their own and increase the chances that they’ll accept your appraisal. 

2. Don’t be vague

Steer clear of generalisations, cliches and exaggerations like ‘always’ and ‘never’ (they’ll always bring up that one time in response). 

The best way to encourage someone to carry on producing great performances is to analyse their actions, which led to effectiveness or success, and then communicate them clearly so that they can continue to repeat these productive behavioural patterns. 

3. Stick to what you know

Performance coaches are often told how an appraisal became heated when a third party’s opinion was relayed as fact by someone’s line manager. 

Don’t bring other people’s opinions into performance reviews. It confuses the recipient, puts them on the defensive, and leaves them wondering why their colleagues are talking about them behind their backs. 

4. Be mindful of tone

Performance reviews are no place for inappropriate humour, sarcasm, arrogance or domineering language. 

Telling someone their job is in jeopardy doesn’t reinforce positive actions or illustrate bad ones – it only creates animosity. Keep the tone formal, friendly and to the point. 

5. Ask the right questions

Never assume you know what’s going on in somebody’s life outside of work. Instead of delivering feedback straight away, take the time to ask questions for a better understanding of someone’s home life, stress and anxiety levels. 

When you’re made aware of extenuating circumstances, you may decide to adjust your appraisal. Good leadership means being able to adapt to the unexpected. 

6. Read the room

Some people will understand your message straight away and wish to discuss a course of action. Others will need more time to absorb it. They may wish to go away and discuss possible solutions with their performance coach. 

Appraisals should always be a two-way conversation so listen to what the recipient has to say as well as understand how they say it. You can learn a lot about how to motivate or improve someone’s performance by gauging their reactions and what’s important to them. 

If you’d like our expert coaches to provide your management teams with the tools they need to become more successful leaders, request a free demo of Mindbeat today. 


Sustainable changemakers 

5 February 2024

Mindbeat looks at a new breed of sustainable leaders and examines what it takes to explore innovative ways to integrate environmental and societal considerations into long-term business strategies. 

In a turbulent, uncertain world, businesses are looking for new types of leaders – those who can collaborate to shape company culture, think creatively and develop long-term solutions for environmental, societal and economic challenges. 

These are the sustainable changemakers. They embrace the evolving complexity of the world around them, which makes them more adaptable. Plus, they’re long-term thinkers who see people and the environment as integral to business success. 

As environmental catastrophes, warring factions and political instability continue to upset and disrupt the world’s supply networks, businesses need sustainable changemakers, committed to fostering change. 

In one recent study, published in partnership with the United Nations, the attributes that make leaders effective at driving sustainability outcomes were examined. It determined the following four leadership styles:

1. Multi-level systems thinking

Multi-level systems thinking is the ability to observe and focus on the bigger environmental issue while recognising how sustainability fits within what your organisation already does well. 

You’re able to change the perspective between conflicting groups by developing strategies that inspire all stakeholders and genuinely promote sustainable solutions for the long term.

2. Stakeholder inclusion

Sustainable leadership requires advanced skills in active listening, storytelling, creating a shared vision, conflict management, and the capacity to motivate and convince other people.

By demonstrating high levels of empathy and authenticity, you can help shape and influence different perspectives for more informed decision-making. 

3. Long-term activation

Leaders who can achieve buy-in from across the organisation can set audacious goals, operationalised through interim targets. You’ll have a strong sense of purpose, paired with a long-term orientation and an inherent ambition to achieve the sustainability bottom line. 

You’ll be comfortable working with long-term complexities that involve factors such as stakeholder needs, politics, competing interests, and natural systems.

Communication and transparency are key to building trust and credible long-term activation plans. Let employees, customers and other stakeholders know what the strategy is and why it’s essential.

4. Disruptive innovation

By daring to take action and challenge traditional approaches to technology and business strategy, you’ll forge better partnerships and create solutions fit for a greener future. 

While difficult to measure, some of the core qualities that distinguish sustainable changemakers are their ability to set bold, science-based targets and come up with plans to radically transform products or services that aren’t contributing to a positive climate or societal benefit.

Coaching can help sustainable changemakers to:

Set goals. Ensure your business keeps track of and keeps improving its sustainable development goals. These goals should be clear, specific, measurable, and achievable. Coaches can help you to implement and monitor the effectiveness of sustainable practices as part of an overall organisational strategy. 

Inspire teams. Develop as an inspirational thought leader by acting responsibly and sustainably. Show clear ways of measuring impact and set examples for others to follow. When those in leadership roles discuss climate change seriously, employees can feel inspired to take action too.

Create an inclusive workplace. By fostering an organisational culture that prioritises the well-being of its employees, sustainable changemakers create space for open dialogue, where employees feel empowered to discuss and suggest the effectiveness of sustainable practices. 

Teamwork is vital to developing a more sustainable future. Coaching will provide the tools and techniques required to bring everyone along on your sustainability journey. 

How is your organisation empowering people to become sustainable changemakers? To discuss how Mindbeat coaches can help to develop your leaders for whatever the future holds, contact us today.