According to Accenture’s Pulse of Change: 2024 Index, the rate of change affecting businesses has risen by 183% since 2019 and by 33% in the past year alone. This is not showing any signs of slowing down.

Whether you are a growth business, going through an M&A or downsizing, you need to regularly evaluate the skills of your leaders to ensure you have the right capabilities to lead your organisation, and to mobilise change at all levels. 

Times of change present an invaluable opportunity to ‘reset’ and think about whether the people you have today are the people you need to drive the future success of your business. And if not – what skills or behaviours do you need to build to bolster your organisation’s resilience and enable you to be successful in the next phase of your journey? 

At Mindbeat we are on a mission to address these questions by helping you evaluate the skills of your leaders and create customised yet scalable development interventions focused on activating measurable change which you can tie directly to organisational performance.

With this in mind, we’re offering you the opportunity to conduct a free skills assessment of your entire leadership population, using our proprietary ‘MyPulse’ whole-person diagnostic. 

It will involve a short 10 – 15 questionnaire conducted by ‘Sam’ our online AI coach. Once completed, your leaders will automatically receive a report of their leadership and management profile, strengths and development areas. 

We will also aggregate the results from this diagnostic into a company-wide report, which we will share with you during a free one-hour consultancy session, along with some advice and solutions to addressing any skills gaps we’ve identified.

We are making this offer available to the first 50 organisations who sign up before Friday 11th October 2024. 

Interested in learning more? Get in touch to discuss what this might look like for you.

Earlier this year, we announced AI-powered coaching to support Mindbeat’s global network. Here’s what we’ve learned so far from our trials. 

Recent studies on the application of Artificial Intelligence in psychology found that young adult cancer patients had reduced anxiety after using a positive CBT-based AI coach for four weeks, while college students could reduce their self-identified symptoms of depression. 

These findings suggest that although AI lacks true human empathy, positive outcomes are possible even in practices that have long relied on human intelligence and a strong human connection. 

We believe that this is also the case for leadership and professional development coaching, so Mindbeat has been conducting 12-week trials with our newly developed AI coaching tool. 

In theory, with clearly defined goals and explicit measures of success, an AI-powered coach can support human-to-human coaching by providing ‘always-on’ guidance and helping users to reflect and experiment with development pathways and learnings. 

To discover how it works in practice, one of our trials partnered with Operations & Supply in VELUX  – the Danish specialist in roof windows and skylights. 

VELUX had a specific goal-orientated challenge – how to empower its leaders to test and analyse what they learn via the organisation’s development framework across daily scenarios without fear of judgment. 

This is an ideal use case for an AI-powered coach. Each individual will have had a personalised strategy from a human coach, and they can use the AI to reaffirm pathways, prepare for everyday situations in which they can test the strategy, and reflect on results ‘in the moment’. 

Jon Holst-Christensen, VELUX’s Senior Director of HR Partnering Operations & Supply, took part in the trial. One of his tailored professional development goals, defined by the framework, was to develop his communication techniques in meetings for more effective results. 

“I was surprised by how much help the AI could offer,” he says. “I asked it for techniques I could use before a meeting, experimented with those techniques during the meeting, and was then pushed to reflect on my success directly afterwards. Real-time experimentation and reflection is a powerful development tool.

“The AI bridges the gap between knowing and doing so that applied learning can form a much greater part of the human-to-human coaching experience. The AI provides a safe space within which to test and analyse.”

As part of the VELUX trial, Mindbeat provided weekly learning nudges to guide users on how to write more effective prompts and get the most out of their ‘always on’ digital coach. 

“Experimenting with prompts is key to getting the most out of an AI coach,” Holst-Christensen continues. “For example, if you just ask it to ask you questions, you get inundated before it moves swiftly onto solutions. However, if you prompt it to ask singular questions, it goes deeper and takes its time to get to the solution path, which is more beneficial.”

One improvement that Holst-Christensen would like to see in future iterations of Mindbeat’s AI coach is for it to ask the user about the coaching process itself. For example, it could ask: ‘Is there anything you’d like done differently?’ or ‘Are we progressing in the right way?’. Responses could then teach the AI to adapt and evolve its coaching style. 

“I’d also love to be able to talk to it rather than provide written prompts. It would remove even more barriers to self-expression and make it feel more immediate, more human-to-human,” he says. “Its ability to summarise and recall your sessions was impressive, though. Human coaches may forget certain aspects, but the AI can quickly recap the most complex conversations over multiple sessions. In conjunction with human coaching, an AI-powered coach is a major added benefit, and I can’t wait to see how it develops.”

For more on the benefits of AI coaching, read our ‘Seven benefits of AI Coaching in achieving professional growth’ article, or to discuss participating in one of Mindbeat’s future AI coaching trials, drop us a line at [email protected] 

Event News

Join us for L&D Manager networking

12 September 2024

From ongoing conversations with our network and clients, we’ve discovered a gap in the market to bring L&D Managers together to network and collaborate. So Mindbeat is stepping up to help. 

On Thursday 26th September, we’ll run our first in-person networking event, specifically for L&D Managers at our London offices. You and your L&D team are invited!

Topic: How you can strengthen the leadership fundamentals within your organisation by clearly defining and embedding consistent leadership behaviours and future-proofing your leadership pipeline.


08:00 – 08:30 – Breakfast / Networking

08:30 – 09:00 – Intros and a Short talk on the topic

09:00 – 09:15 – Break into small group discussions

09:15 – 09:25 – Re-group and discuss findings from the breakouts

09:25 – 09:30 – Closing remarks

– Discussions will be held under Chatham House Rules.  

– Tea / Coffee and a continental breakfast will be provided.

– Address:  Floor 5, 26-28 Great Portland St, London W1W 8QT

Spaces are limited, so will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

If you and members of your team would like to join us, reserve your spaces by emailing [email protected]

Mindbeat’s Partnerships Director, Simon Morris, says it’s time to move the conversation away from how coaching works to what programme building blocks make a real difference. 

Are you tired of reading articles extolling the virtues and benefits of coaching? Everyone knows that coaching works, it has been scientifically proven time and again. 

When the world was forced online due to the pandemic, not only was there an accelerated need to support leadership development with proven coaching in a digital environment, but there was also a growing demand to help all levels of employees adapt to changing workplace cultures and navigate what was, for many an incredibly challenging time. 

As a result, desktop and mobile-first coaching has democratised the provision of high-end programmes. At the same time, Artificial Intelligence has introduced neutrality and increased engagement due to the ‘always-on’ availability of AI support, which helps employees take greater control of their learning and development.

At Mindbeat, we believe it’s time to stop talking about how to deliver coaching at scale and the much-repeated psychology behind coaching’s proven success. Now is the time to explore the next evolution of digital coaching programmes and focus on the available building blocks required to drive individual and more client-centred success. 

Ultimately, for digital coaching to effect real and sustained change, the right blend of ingredients is needed, delivered within a structured programme. It’s no longer acceptable to expect unlimited coaching hours to produce the same impact as a tailored programme that uses one-to-one, group sessions, line manager engagement, AI support and associated content. 

For digital coaching programmes to continue to evolve, they need to be more blended, targeted and impactful. That’s why we work with clients to determine factors, such as how many sessions individual users need and what those sessions and support look like in a mobile-first world. 

A more sophisticated approach to developing a digital coaching programme includes:

Diagnostic and 360 Assessment 

Through assessment and diagnostics, employees can identify key strengths and the development areas they need to work on. 

Specialist Mentoring and Coaching

Digital coaches provide advice and one-to-one guidance to help employees work through development tasks and overcome challenges. 

Group Coaching 

Group coaching sessions allow users to talk about their challenges, test ideas and learn from other team members. 

Line Manager Engagement

Line managers play an important role by providing feedback, advice, encouragement and direction. Through their inclusion and engagement in group sessions, employees can build more trusted relationships with their line manager, and develop a deeper workplace connection. 

AI-powered Support and Advice

An always-on AI coach can ask questions, help users work towards set goals and suggest alternative approaches and solutions. 

Learning Tracks, Activities and Nudges

Tailored content can underpin and support employee learning and development throughout their digital coaching journey. 

Varying the above building blocks to get the perfect blend achieves more effective results. We see it all the time with our clients – our blended programmes deliver an average of 66% goal improvement, compared with an average of 34% with 1:1 coaching-only programmes.

A more sophisticated and blended approach to building tailored coaching programmes has a more dynamic and sustained impact on professional development and performance, empowering your organisation to produce stronger leaders, thriving teams and better businesses. 

Get in touch today to discuss building your sophisticated coaching programme.