Mindbeat held its inaugural L&D Manager Networking Event at the end of last month to help attendees create strategies to strengthen their leadership fundamentals. 

A dozen L&D Managers from brands such as Costa Coffee, the BBC, Bloomsbury and Linklaters attended the breakfast session to hear insight, research, and some of the innovations currently being trialled within organisations. 

Some of the latest research discussed during the event included McKinsey’s ‘Reimagining people development to overcome talent challenges’ report. It states that the most challenging imperatives to implement are ‘Providing a state-of-the-art learning experience’, ‘going leader-led’ and ‘empowering the learner’. 

Mindbeat’s two female co-founders Elisa Krantz and Joanne Payne showcased best practice examples of programmes that conquered these challenges, along with innovations like Deloitte’s use of AI, Walmart incorporating Augmented Reality into its leadership development training, and Standard Chartered’s Talent Market Place. 

Attendees then held group discussions around key issues and challenges and shared ideas and solutions. 

Mindbeat’s Joanne Payne says: “The energy in the group was great. Attendees appreciated spending time with other L&D Managers to discuss problems and challenges and hear ideas. We’re already planning a second one and I’m sure it will become a regular series of occasions where people can connect face-to-face.”