Did you know that group coaching is now even easier on the Mindbeat platform with our improved scheduling tool?

Participants can simply register and choose the dates that work best for them, which removes any back-and-forth or diary clashes.  

Arranging three-way sessions between the coach, participant and Line Manager has also been made more seamless. Simply agree on a date, select the session type and the Mindbeat platform will connect everyone automatically. 

“Having a technical team in-house means we have the scope and capability to continually develop our platform,” said Mindbeat’s Head of Coaching and Co-Founder, Joanne Payne. “We continue to refine our approach and improve our product to ensure we deliver the very best working environment for our fantastic coaches.”


Meet a Mindbeat coach: Søren Holm

25 September 2023

Mindbeat is privileged to offer a global network of expert coaches. In the first of a new series of interviews to introduce you to our much-loved coaching personalities, Mike Fletcher talks tomatoes, training and playing the accordion with Søren Holm, who lives in Sweden. 

Søren Holm brightened my day even before he began to speak. Admitting him to our Zoom call, the 66-year-old former vice-president of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) appeared on my computer screen wearing a fuchsia-coloured shirt and holding a beautifully crafted accordion. 

“I’ve been trying to learn how to play this instrument ever since my wife bought it for me 15 years ago,” he confesses. “I keep picking it up, learning a bit but then leaving it alone for too long so I have to start over.”

It seems the business of coaching leaves little time for accordion playing. After our chat, Søren will need to dive straight onto another Zoom call with a new client who wants him to develop a career progression programme for future female leaders. He then has a one-to-one session with a female mobile communications executive based in Iraq. 

“It’s a huge privilege to coach people of different nationalities, backgrounds and cultural characteristics,” Søren says. “My background is in behavioural science, so understanding different cultural traits and seeing how different people learn and grow is fascinating to me. 

“I once had a spate of coaching candidates from The Netherlands, who are thought of here in Sweden as being very direct and outspoken. I found out through our coaching sessions that they felt pressure in business to live up to this national stereotype of being forthright, when in fact many of them were much more introverted.” 

Søren’s coaching strengths

Søren’s coaching strengths lie in his ability to listen, ask considered questions and provide the much-needed space required for candidates to develop new thinking that leads to growth. 

He admits he’s never had a coaching specialism but in an increasingly noisy world, his calm and amiable style must be a welcome breather from the turmoil of the corporate workplace for any level of employee. 

“The whole point of coaching is to help someone move in the direction they want to go. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that,” he says. “I talk with people on an equal footing, which is rare in any profession as usually there’s one person who’s the expert or the authority. I listen, we talk and I contribute perspectives that help shape their thinking. 

“It’s not about getting them to move – it’s about helping them figure out where they’d like to get to, what’s preventing them from getting there and how you navigate the roadblocks.”

Søren now lives 100 km from Stockholm but grew up in Denmark and spent three formative teenage years living in the US. He coaches in Danish, Swedish and English but can also get by speaking in German, Spanish and French. 

By his admittance, he’s ‘been around the coaching industry a long time’. In fact, he’s believed to have been one of the first professional coaches to have operated from the Nordic region  – although he’s quick to acknowledge that it’s a claim he finds hard to substantiate. 

He did however help to launch the ICF’s Nordic Chapter and has served for five years on the ICF global board, helping to drive the organisation’s growth throughout Europe. In 2022, he was inducted into the ICF’s Circle of Distinction. 

Early adopter

Søren was almost certainly the ICF’s first Nordic member though and considers himself a pro-typical early adopter of not only the discipline of coaching but most things in life. 

“I’m not sensible enough to wait for second or even third generations of technology. I have to be among the first to get my hands on the latest Apple product or experiment with new gadgets,” he says with a laugh. 

“I like to keep up with new thinking in behavioural science too. The last 15-20 years of data-driven research into personalities is so different from the traditional Jung and Freud ideology taught in the early Eighties. I subscribe to newsletters and extracts of research papers and receive a bunch every day that I read and find interesting. Some people stop learning as soon as they leave school. I just love learning and understanding new things.”

Søren rarely travels to coach in person these days, partly because he’s grown more conscious of his carbon footprint and ‘no longer wishes to fly’. 

Virtual coaching suits him anyhow. His original training to qualify as a coach was conducted over the phone with a US company, long before video conferencing came along. 

“Through Mindbeat, I can now meet candidates across the globe from the comfort of my own home. I do one-to-ones and group sessions involving line managers and team leaders so that we can work through appraisals and everyone from an organisation has bought into a thoroughly planned out process,” he says. “The advantages to meeting and talking to people face-to-face are so small that they’re outweighed by the practicalities of being able to coach and receive coaching online from wherever you are in the world.”

In theory, the absence of travel that comes with virtual coaching should afford Søren at least evenings and weekends to continue teaching himself the accordion. I get the impression though that he prefers to spend quality time with his grandchild as well as outside with his keen gardener wife, tending to his tomato plants.

“When I finally retire, I’d like to grow tomatoes semi-professionally,” he says. “It’s the visual appeal of all the different colours, sizes and shapes – you just can’t buy anything like organically grown tomatoes in the supermarket and they certainly don’t taste the same.”

Still, just as learning and growth development occur over time with the right coaching programme, the same commitment and patience that Søren already shows his tomato plants will see him one day become an accomplished accordion player, I’m sure of it. 

Perhaps the next time we meet online, he may even play me something – I do hope so. 

Mindbeat’s head of client and product development, Jessica Bellwood discusses the importance of strategic onboarding and reveals plans for new research into attrition. 

After weeks of trawling through CVs and interviewing candidates, you’ve finally landed your perfect hire. You made the right choice but what happens next will determine if that individual flourishes within your organisation or, like around 40% of recruits, decides to quit within a few months. 

It’s a commonly held belief that finding and recruiting a new employee takes 40 days on average and costs businesses upwards of 35% of an employee’s annual salary. So seeing new hires resign, in the knowledge that you’ll need to start over the recruitment process, is both a huge time waste and a financial migraine that all companies could currently do without.  

The first 90 days in the life of a new hire are therefore crucial. 

Since the pandemic, companies have spent too much time and energy on knee-jerk responses to headline-grabbing trends such as the ‘Great Resignation’ or ‘Quiet Quitting’ and not enough on ensuring that their onboarding strategies are carefully planned and fit for purpose. 

The consequence is high attrition and new employees left ill-prepared to understand their roles within teams, navigate team dynamics, and even indoctrinate themselves into the new company culture. 

Onboarding, or helping new hires adjust to social and performance aspects of their jobs quickly and smoothly, is the very first building block for better retention, efficiency and overall business performance. 

Programmes vary across those organisations that do it well, with some offering complex and detailed ‘assimilation’ frameworks and others providing checklists and coaches to help analyse workplace situations and prospects for new employees. 

According to the Society for Human Resource Management, onboarding best practices can be distilled into four Cs – Compliance, Clarification, Culture and Connection.

Compliance is the policy-related rules and regulations you’d expect to learn about when starting a new role. Whereas, the other three focus on how a new starter gets to grips with all related expectations around their role, how they settle in and how they establish interpersonal relationships. 

Here at Mindbeat, we talk a lot about an additional C – Confidence. 

Let’s look at the levers you can pull as an organisation to keep attrition rates low by actioning these Cs, plus how coaching contributes to building stronger employee engagement and commitment during someone’s first 90 days in a new job. 


Ensure that employees understand their new job. If expectations are ambiguous, their performance will suffer.

The role of the hiring manager is key to ensuring that the job description is an accurate representation of the ‘actual job’.

Around one in four people say they left a job because it wasn’t what they had expected. Provide clarity on both the day-to-day role and what success will look like in their first three months.


A welcoming and open company culture will encourage new hires to help themselves during their first 90 days by making time to chat with colleagues, mixing socially, participating in company activities and displaying proactive behaviours such as asking questions and seeking feedback.

An external or in-house onboarding coach will discuss how the individual fits in socially and facilitate questions and appraisals with line managers. 


Line managers play an important role by helping newcomers adjust to their new workplace environment and by providing feedback, advice and further opportunities for learning and development.

This also helps employees build trusted relationships with their line managers so that once the 90-day onboarding is complete, the Connection bond is made.


Just as you were confident that you made the right choice when hiring, it’s paramount that each recruit quickly establishes self-confidence to aid their performance.

Self-efficacy has been shown to have a significant impact on organisational commitment, job satisfaction and even turnover. 

A coach will help new hires prepare for their onboarding orientation even before they start by bolstering self-confidence and helping to overcome any challenges individuals may be encountering. 

Onboarding a key retention strategy

Developing the coaching skills of line managers and using an onboarding coaching programme are vital for keeping new hire attrition rates low, so long as they’re offered as one element of a larger plan, have total buy-in from management, and are done in conjunction with the little things – like senior leadership taking new employees out for lunch and team leaders ensuring their first day is a positive one.

With organisations increasingly unable to afford the spiralling cost of high employee turnover, and more than half of exiting employees surveyed by Gallup admitting their managers could have done more to prevent them from leaving, effective onboarding will be a key retention strategy for the foreseeable future.

It’s something that here at Mindbeat and out in the coaching field, we’re keen to track and share insights on, to better understand the impact of how company strategies evolve. 

With this in mind, we’re currently conducting research on new hire attrition and approaches to onboarding. If you’d like to take part and share your organisational insight, let us know and we’ll be in touch. 

In the meantime, reach out and talk to us about how our coaching network can help improve your new hire experiences.